My School:
Maache Everyone!
Ive been doing well lately, and am very excited to be almost done with my first trimester of school!Im really surprised at how quickly this year has been moving along! Im just trying to take everything one day at a time, and its been working so far!
Someone had emailed me and asked what Sunyani is really like. I thought that would be a cool topic to cover, so here it is:
Sunyani is about 300 Kilometers nw of Accra and has a population of about 100,000 people. The natural surroundings are very beautiful after you look past the trash, as i said before! Its very lush and green! There is alot of dirt though, but i expected that. The main source of income is probably agriculture. I think at one point in Ghanas independence it was the largest exporter of coco beans. And there is also a huge American gold company called Newmont in the Brong-Ahafo region. There is also an abundance of casava,plantain, and yam. There are countless( when i say countless i mean it) provisional stores. They sell everyday items, from coca cola to hair products and sandals to razor blades. Within probably a square mile of my house, there are about 10-15 of these stands. Which is pretty convenient. There are also a couple of hotels, a hospitol, a Ghanaian Premier league football stadium, banks, and numerous "take out" food stands. The coolest part of Sunyani is the Cocoa House. Its an apartment complex and also a radio station. Its only about 7 stories high, but its placed right on top of Sunyani so you can see it from everywhere you go. Transportation( ill get to the driving later) makes it easy to get from one point to another. From the main taxi hub in the city center to Baakoniaba is 3,000 cedis or approx. 30 cents. And buses leave daily to big cities like Kumasi, Accra, cape Coast, Tamale,etc. A bus ride from Sunyani to Accra is 130,000 cedis of 13$. There is also a small airport on the outskirts of town. On Wednsdays there is the main market when most people do their shopping and also most of the prices of goods go down. Its quite an adventure to go, lots of commotion and yelling make it pretty fun. And Churches and Mosques, well there are more of them than provisional stores. haha. Pretty much every denomination too. SDA, Baptist, Jehovahs Witness, Methodist, Catholic,Anglican,etc. The most annoying part of the churches is the all night prayer sessions. They start at 7pm and end at 5am. Theyre not quite about it either, the make american screamo music sound like a whisper. haha. and the church that is about 200 yards away from my house speak in tongues while screaming at 2 am, so it makes it even more annoying. haha. But Sunyani is a pretty sleepy town, with not much to do. But i dont mind because i like hanging out with my host family.
Driving is a whole nother story. Believe me when i say its drivers, not pedestrians, first! For as slow as people like to walk here, they make it up by the speed they drive. Drivers are just ruthless to pedestrians and cyclists. When i run in the morning or am just walking about in town, drivers seem to try and get as close to you as they can. There has been plenty of times where if i hadnt moved, i wouldve been run over! They wont slow down for you either! But of course theyll slow down for a goat, chicken or dog crossing the road. I try and find the logic in that, but i think im to stupid. But ive asked my brothers if they care about the driving, they said no. I guess its because they dont know any other driving styles. I wont say all drivers suck at driving, but alot of them do. But of course there arent any belts in the taxis, and they pack as many people as they can into cars and buses. its pretty nerver racking when you see a bus full of school kids, unbuckled, passing a car going about 50 mph going downhill. Thats why there are so many vehicle fatalities. And i thought Americans sucked at driving. haha.
Heres a very aggrivating/funny/hypocritical story. On Mondays,Wednsdays and Fridays we have this thing at school called assembly. its when all announcements are announced and its is also used as a worship service, where a student or teacher will preach about a certain topic. This specific day was about respect for teachers and was given by my ICT teacher. Yet, i felt as though i should have given him a speach on being a hypocrite. Mr. ICT ( I dont actually know his or any of my other teachers names, everyone just calls teachers Madam or Sir) stated his belief that teachers were chosen by God to shepherd the sheep(the students). And that the students should obey everything that the teacher says. I agreed with the whole "chosen by God" statement. Because essentially God chooses everyone for something. I mean, I was chosen to be Rich Pon. But then i didnt agree with the "obey your teachers" statement because extremist terrorists listen to every word that comes out of their teachers mouths, and well, you know the rest. But the funny/aggrivating/hypocritical part of the story is that the same ICT teacher that said all that hasnt come to teach in over a month! And its not because hes sick, its because hes lazy. Yet he will give us a test on things that hes never taught(ive passes all with flying colors though). And hes told the class to come on saturday so he could teach, BUT HE DIDNT COME! His excuse; "I knew you guys wouldnt come". hahaha. I just felt bad for the students because if they dont pass this class, they cant attent college! I just have to scratch my head and aks myself if what hes doing is a bit hypocritical. I should worry about my own faults before i look at his, but he is screwing around with 50 students education! Hopefully he'll get his act together. Everyone makes mistakes, even if they are repetitive and annoying. haha.
Thats all for now, I hope all is well!